
Xiong Li Jun

Born in Chongqing, Xiong Lijun earned a master’s degree from the Oil Painting Department at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2002. Currently residing and working in Chongqing, she creates dynamic and cartoon-like artworks that use vibrant colors,…
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Imai Toshimitsu

Toshimitsu Imai, born in Kyoto in 1928, pursued art after schooling, training at the Tokyo State Art Academy. Initially influenced by the Fauves, his career was defined by a keen sensitivity to color.
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Zou Cao

Zou Cao is a multi-talented artist with a unique academic background. He holds an MA in Oil Painting from the Academy of Arts, Northeast Normal University, a PhD in Western Philosophy from the Academy of Philosophical
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Zhou Jin Hua

Born in Sichuan in 1978, the young and talented Zhou Jinhua has already achieved numerous solo exhibitions worldwide. He graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and currently teaches at the Art Department of
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Wu Ming Zhong

Wu Ming Zhong, born in Hebei, China in 1963, has gained recognition through numerous solo and group exhibitions across Asia, Europe, and the Americas. His artworks are characterized by intense colors, blending classical
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Shi Li Feng

Shi Li Feng, born in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province in 1968, graduated from Hebei Normal University in 1991. His artworks reflect the shift from Socialist Realism to Expressive Individualism in Chinese contemporary art. The Red Man
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Qiu Shengxian

Qiu Sheng Xian, a renowned contemporary artist based in Shanghai, is known for his unique  Mother and Son  and  Fuwa Integration  style of painting. He holds various prominent positions in the arts and culture field, such as Branch…
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Luo Jie

Luo Jie finds redemption and purification through the laborious process of painting, which echoes the tragic course of his father’s life. Initially held back by family obligations, he felt a sense of failure until his father’s death, which…
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Liu Guo Qiang

Born in Shandong, China, in 1988, this artist earned a Bachelor of Arts from China Academy of Art in Hangzhou in 2011 and a Master of Arts from the same institution in 2015. Presently, he resides and works…
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Huang Yin

Huang Yin, a graduate of the Oil Department at Sichuan Fine Arts Academy in Chongqing in 1997, is a Chinese contemporary artist who experienced the profound changes of China’s historical eras. Her artworks reflect the country’s history through…
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Hou Qing

Hou Qing integrates Western and Chinese culture in his paintings under the influences of traditional Confucianism and Taoism. The “figure” theme began after his “lotus” theme when Hou wanted to create portraits that created eroticism through the beauty…
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Liao Zhen Wu

The works of Liao Zhen Wu are characterised by distinct local features. His early works could be divided into two types: one was to represent the teahouses and things happening there in the small town of Sichuan and…
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Ann Niu (Niu An) ⽜安

Born and raised in Shanghai, Ann Niu (Niu An) graduated from the renowned Musashino Fine Art University in Japan then moved to Korea and The USA for her art & design career. Understanding her profound passion in painting,…
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